8 Common Questions on OET Listening Sub-Test

For OET Exam Preparation, especially for the listening subtest, every candidate has some questions or queries that need to be resolved on time to prepare efficiently, right?

Well, here we have come up with a solution to end your search regarding the questions, queries or issues related to the OET Listening subtest.

8 Common Questions on OET Listening Sub Test

So, here is the accumulated list of the 8 common frequently asked questions (FAQs) on OET listening subtest from the candidates quite often.

  1. Will the audio recordings be played only one time?

Hello OET candidates, the audio recordings will be played only one time by the examiner. Therefore, it’s recommended that please be attentive during the listening subtest.

  1. Is it mandatory to write exactly the same according to the audio recording?   

Yes, you have to write exactly the same as you heard in the audio recording during your listening subtest. You can paraphrase the sentences or use synonyms of the words, but make sure that meaning doesn’t change at all.

  1. If there’s any spelling error, will the examiners deduct my marks?

In the OET listening subtest, there’s some leniency in the spelling errors marks deduction. First of all, the medical terminologies and disease names are quite complex and if you haven’t heard the word clearly, then certainly chances are you might commit some spelling errors.

Secondly, Exceptional cases in this ignored but if you don’t write the globally prominent issue ‘blood Pressure’ correctly, then the examiner will definitely deduct your marks. Henceforth, it’s suggested that read, prepare and memorize the terminologies to avoid any marks deduction in the OET listening subtest.

  1. Can I use abbreviations?

Yes, you can use abbreviations in the OET listening test but it should be appropriate and understandable to the examiner. For Example – You can the abbreviated form of Blood Pressure i.e. BP. However, you cannot write BPD to mention that Blood pressure has decreased as BPD also stands for Borderline Personality Disorder. Therefore, use the abbreviated forms correctly to not to make any mistakes.

  1. What is the marking scheme of the Listening subtest?    

The OET listening subtest is of 42 marks in total and further, it is divided into three different parts, which are mentioned below:

  • Part A – 24 Marks
  • Part B – 6 Marks
  • Part C – 12 Marks
  1. Why different accents are used in the audio recordings of the listening test?  

Well, the different kinds of accents such as American, British, African, Australian, Canadian, Irish and other accents are usually heard in the audio recordings to assess the skills and capabilities of the candidate. As it’s all about the health sector and patients from different regions come and go, thus it’s essential to be an expert in listening to different types of accents.

  1. Where shall I write the answers?  

You will be provided with a booklet to write your answers. There is space provided in the booklet to answer the question in a correct manner. Before giving your final attempt, it is advised to take up OET sample test papers to get an idea about the entire format and structure of the exam.

  1. Is there any harm if I provide extra information in the Booklet?

There is no harm in providing the extra information in the booklet but why you need to do that? Always keep your answers simple, precise and relevant to avoid any grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors.

If you have any further queries regarding the OET listening subtest, then you can contact Seek Academy for OET Coaching. The highly trained and experienced professionals at Seek Academy will guide and prepare you for the OET Exam Test to qualify it successfully.

Also, Visit here: https://bit.ly/2QSUHT0


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IELTS Listening Tips
                                                         IELTS LISTENING TIPS

Below are the few tips and tricks shared by the experts of the Best IELTS Institute in Delhi:

Write down the answer as you listen and transfer the answer at the end of the test.

Do not worry if you did not hear some words. Don’t lose attention as you will only hear the audio once.

Remember only correctly written answers will gain points. So it is important to check spellings and plurals.

Transfer your answers accurately. Sometimes students get confused with numerations.

Don’t leave any blank answer. You won’t be negatively marked for an incorrect answer. So even if you don’t know the answer, it is better to write something. Read the question and make a guess.

Make sure you follow the instructions carefully. ‘No more than three words’ means if your answer is four words, it will be incorrect.

Focus on getting the easy questions correct first before worrying about the more difficult questions.

If you have messy handwriting then write all answers in capital letters.

Concentration is key in the listening test. You need to practice active listening to improve your concentration level.

Prediction is another key to scoring well in IELTS listening test. It enables you not to focus on any other area apart from the area you want to hear. This makes it much easier to get the correct answer.

Make sure you know the general address format of countries like UK and Australia.

Make sure you know the spellings of all the days in a week and months of a year. Also if you don’t put capital letters at the beginning of these words you will be incorrect.

Seek Academy is the Best IELTS Coaching in Delhi and caters to the student’s needs by designing the curriculum and schedule in a way that suits the individual requirements.

The above tips will be helpful to fetch good scores in IELTS exam. All the best!

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